About Company
Our Company was originally formed and registered as a partnership firm under the Partnership Act,1932 in the name and style of “M/s. Sonu Enterprises”, pursuant to a deed of partnership dated September 2001, which has been registered with Registrar of Firms, Rajkot, Gujarat dated 09.10.2001, with Three partners Mr. Ramji Shrinarayan Pandey, Gaurishankar Shrinarayan Pandey and Mr. Ketan V. Modi. The terms, conditions and Clauses of partnership firm were changed from time to time including admission and retirement of partners.. Mr. Ramji Pandey,Mrs. Seema Ramji Pandey,Mr. Arpit Ramji Pandey, Mr. Sonu Ramji Pandey, Mr. Ketan V Modi,Mrs. Dipti Ben Ketan Modi & Manish Kumar Pandey partners of M/s. Sonu Enterprises, were the initial Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association of our Company. Subsequently our Firm was converted into a public limited company and the name of our Firm was changed from “Sonu Enterprises” to “Sonu Infratech Limited”. Construction activity creates physical assets in a number of sectors of the economy. Construction sector has two key segments.